Welcome to the Free Printables Archive! Here you can see all the different kinds of free printables and digital items that I offer. To download them, you will need to subscribe to the blog to get the password to access the files. You can do that in the subscription box below.

If you’re already subscribed and lost the password, you can find it in any of my newsletters in the footer of the email. Or if you’ve deleted them all, send me an email at hannah@morethanjustreading.com, and I will send you the password as quickly as I can.

Reading-related Printables

These Bible Study Bookmarks are for you to use for taking notes as you study God’s Word.

The book review form is helpful for summarizing what you learned in the books you read. You can also use it to evaluate if the book is worth keeping.


This collection has 5 exclusive stories about Grace Reid and her family. If you enjoy the stories posted here on the blog, you’ll enjoy the stories in this e-book.

Bible Studies

This is a 1-2 day Bible study on 1 Corinthians 13. It has questions for you to answer, to make you think about the chapter and how it applies to your own life.

This is a Bible study that can be used with any passage or book of the Bible. It has questions to guide you as you study what the passage says.

Phone Wallpapers

There are twelve different wallpapers, one for each month, with pictures to reflect the current season.