The letter C: that’s what we’re ready for today in our A to Z Bible Study. What are some things beginning with C that we can praise God for? Well,…

The letter C: that’s what we’re ready for today in our A to Z Bible Study. What are some things beginning with C that we can praise God for? Well,…
There is so much to praise and thank the Lord for! All through the Bible we find reason after reason to give God praise. God is limitless, without end. And…
It is the Christmas season, and I would like to share with you some verses about Jesus’ coming to earth. These verses are special though, because they talked of His…
A while back, I was chauffeuring my dad around as he was recovering from eye surgery. On one of those trips, I took him to his follow-up appointment with the…
I’m excited for today’s devotional: the first in our Praising God from A to Z series. Today I will be sharing five reasons to praise the Lord, all beginning with…
A few months ago, I shared some Bible study tips in one of my newsletters. I asked my subscribers if they wanted more posts on the topic, and I got…
Psalm 145 I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise…
Psalm 42 really stood out to me when I was studying it in my devotions the other day, so I wanted to share it with you along with some of…