Last year went by quite rapidly, and now as we’re just entering yet another year, I decided to write a new style of post. As the title indicates, this post…
A New Bible Study Freebie!
I just recently released the 1 Peter Bible study, and since then I've been doing some planning for future Bible studies. I hope to eventually have all the epistles and…
A Willow Character Interview: Meet Grant Sutherland
As most of you know, my sister Bethany M. Griggs has just published her first book, Willow. And today, I have the privilege of interviewing one of the characters. I'll…
Meet the Hardings Part 3
Today it's time for the final post in my series of character interviews featuring characters from my book Tornado Tragedy. Our last three interviews are with Elena, Amanda, and Benjamin…
Meet the Hardings Part 2
Today I'm back with more character interviews! If you missed the last one where we got better acquainted with Jennie, the main character of Tornado Tragedy, you can read it…
A Chat with Jennie Harding | Meet the Hardings Part 1
Today is the start of a special series of blogposts, a series of character interviews. I will be interviewing the characters from my new book, Tornado Tragedy. I’ll be starting…
Tornado Tragedy Is Ready for Purchase! + A Sneak Peek
It's official! I just published my first book! Tornado Tragedy is now available as a paperback on Amazon and as an e-book on a whole lot of different sites. And…
A Very Special Announcement!
It's been awhile since I've put out any new blogposts, but today I'm here with one. And as you probably guessed by the title, this is a really exciting blogpost!…
Checkers or Scripture Memory | A Grace Reid Story
If you missed the last Grace Reid story, Scripture Memory Struggles you might want to go back and read it since this story is Part 2. Checkers or Scripture Memory…
Evangelism and the Golden Rule
Probably most of us know the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Or as it’s said in the Bible: “Therefore all things whatsoever…
Creator & Comforter
The letter C: that’s what we’re ready for today in our A to Z Bible Study. What are some things beginning with C that we can praise God for? Well,…
Real Books Versus E-books
Real books or e-books? Is one better than the other? Or do they both have their own advantages and disadvantages? We'll find out in today's post! And we'll begin by…
Blackberry Cobbler and the Best Books
As you sit at a nice restaurant, finishing your meal of chicken fried steak, hashbrown casserole, fried okra, and salad, the waiter comes and asks if you want complimentary dessert.…
What Is Good Writing? Variety!
A while back, I did a post on the benefits of good writing. Today I’m going to do a follow-up post on some writing techniques that add variety and make…
Scripture Memory Struggles | A Grace Reid Story
“My son, forget not my law but let thine heart keep my commandments. For length of days and long life and...and, and what?” Frustrated, Grace Reid looked down at her…
What Kind of Salt Are You? Matthew 5:13
Let me ask you a question? What kind of salt are you? Matthew 5:13 says, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour,…
How Is Reading Good for Relaxation
Does all reading have to be done for the specific purpose of learning something new and stretching our minds? The answer is no. Reading for relaxation is a perfectly acceptable…
Bread of Life & the Bible
There is so much to praise and thank the Lord for! All through the Bible we find reason after reason to give God praise. God is limitless, without end. And…
Prophecies of Jesus’ Birth
It is the Christmas season, and I would like to share with you some verses about Jesus’ coming to earth. These verses are special though, because they talked of His…
Where Can I Evangelize?
If you’re like me, the thought of sharing the Gospel with a stranger is intimidating. I am naturally a shy and quiet person (unless I’m really comfortable with someone), so…
In Everything Give Thanks | A Grace Reid Story
“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 After finishing copying the verse into her journal, Grace Reid closed…
What Are Some Benefits of Good Writing?
Today, I’d like to share with you some reasons why I believe good creative writing is important. These reasons will be from the perspective of both writer and audience. I’ll…
Let No Man Despise Thy Youth | A Bible Study on 1 Timothy 4:12
A while back, I was chauffeuring my dad around as he was recovering from eye surgery. On one of those trips, I took him to his follow-up appointment with the…
All-powerful & Always Accessible
I’m excited for today’s devotional: the first in our Praising God from A to Z series. Today I will be sharing five reasons to praise the Lord, all beginning with…
Fingerpicking and Finding a Job | A Grace Reid Story
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9 “Girls, we’re meeting with the Cooper’s tonight. We’ll…
7 Simple Bible Study Tips
A few months ago, I shared some Bible study tips in one of my newsletters. I asked my subscribers if they wanted more posts on the topic, and I got…
What Are Some Good Evangelism Resources?
Today I’m sharing some of my favorite evangelism resources. The first section is resources for you, the Christian, to read and study before going out to witness. The second is…
Psalm 145 | Praising God from Aleph to Tau
Psalm 145 I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise…
Reserved | A Grace Reid Story
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus…
A Reader’s Best Friend
I’d like to ask you a question. What is a bookmark? You probably answered something like this: “It’s a piece of paper or other thin material that readers put in…
What Is a Missionary?
There’s a job that God has given each and every Christian to do. No matter your age, position, job, etc. You have been called to do this. What is it?…
Nothing to Do for God? A Grace Reid Story
Looking at the clock on the dresser in the girls’ room, Grace Reid saw that it was almost time to leave for church. She quickly slipped into her pink sandals…
How Are Reading and Writing Related?
If you’ve been a part of my blog for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I talk about reading a lot. And today is no exception, though…
Pike’s Peak or Bust Part 2
Here’s Part 2 of the story! If you missed Part 1 of Pike's Peak or Bust, be sure to go catch up before reading the conclusion of our exciting two…
Pike’s Peak or Bust Part 1
“Is everyone in?” Mr. Reid called, slipping into the driver’s seat of the fully-loaded minivan. Sleepy assents came from the back seats, and Mrs. Reid asked, “Did you lock the…
Psalm 42 | Faith Versus Sight
Psalm 42 really stood out to me when I was studying it in my devotions the other day, so I wanted to share it with you along with some of…