Today is the start of a special series of blogposts, a series of character interviews. I will be interviewing the characters from my new book, Tornado Tragedy. I’ll be starting with the main character, Jennie Harding. Before we get to the questions, Jennie, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself.
Okay. I’m Jennie, I’m fourteen, and I love dogs and being outside.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is light blue.
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
It would be to not have any school to do, so I can spend more time exploring in our woods.
Where is your happy place?
Up in pretty much any tree that is climbable.
Name one person who has had a big impact on your life and tell how they have done so.
I can’t really think of a lot of people who have had a big impact on my life. I guess maybe my brother Chris. We spend a lot of time together, and he often goes with me to the woods.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m very much an introvert.
How do you feel about being the main character in a book?
I’m not quite sure I like it. I don’t like being the center of attention. And I think my big sister Joanna would be a much better main character since she likes that sort of thing.
What do you hope will be accomplished by having your story shared with the world?
I hope the readers will have fun reading it.
Thank you, Jennie for doing this interview with us! I know my readers enjoyed getting a little better acquainted with you!

Links to Buy the Book
Paperback: Tornado Tragedy
E-book: Tornado Tragedy

Ah, it’s so nice to meet Jenny! Light blue is such a pretty color too. Pretty much any shade of blue is my favorite (I’m a little ‘eh’ on neon blue, but I think we could get along alright lol.) Can’t wait to read the other interviews, Hannah!
I’m glad you enjoyed meeting Jennie! Glad to hear you’re looking forward to meeting the rest of the siblings, Lily!
Great interview! <3 I have to say, from what I know of Jennie, that comment about Joanna being an MC can't come across any other way to me than a sibling jab. XD
Looking forward to getting a copy someday! Keep up the good work, friend. *hugs*
Haha, sounds like you know Jennie pretty well! Can’t wait for you to get a copy since it’s improved quite a bit since you last read it!