If you’re like me, the thought of sharing the Gospel with a stranger is intimidating. I am naturally a shy and quiet person (unless I’m really comfortable with someone), so the thought of bringing up a possibly controversial topic seems overwhelming.
Using Gospel tracts is one way I have been able to overcome my nervousness of sharing the Gospel. These little bits of paper with a compelling Salvation message are easy to distribute and do not even always have to be handed to a person.
Today I’m going to be sharing some ideas of good places to evangelize, places where it’s fairly easy to find someone to give a tract to and possibly strike up a conversation that leads to a witnessing opportunity.
If you want Gospel tract ideas, be sure to read my post on my favorite evangelism resources.
Places to Evangelize:

One of our family’s favorite places to evangelize is at events like airshows and fairs.
There are always plenty of people at these kinds of events, so you won’t be lacking for someone to give a tract to. I remember one airshow my siblings and I went to where we were giving out Texas million dollar bill tracts. These tracts are always popular amongst Texans. There’s a picture of Stephen F. Austin on the front and the Alamo on the back. The Gospel message starts out with “Here’s a Texas-sized question.”
Anyway, back to the airshow. We were giving them to the people with booths set up as well as to the show attendees. We were at an Air Force booth and one of us handed the airman there one of the tracts. He took it, and joking with us said something like, “Oh cool! I’ll spend this at the casino tonight!”
That same day, one of our favorite aerobatic pilots came up to the fence and was shaking hands with the people in the front rows. Since we got there early, we were close to the fence and were able to shake hands with him, and my brother gave him a tract.
A different year at that same airshow, my dad gave a Gospel tract to a racecar driver that had been one of his childhood heroes.
People at events like this generally seem more inclined to take tracts than they do when going about their normal life.
Another event where we’ve given out tracts is at the State Fair of Texas.
Are there any events around you where you could pass out Gospel tracts and look for people to talk to about the Lord? Some possible events are parades, county or state fairs, airshows, or festivals.
In stores, you can give tracts to cashiers and other customers. You can also leave them inside different items for people to find later. But we’ll be talking about that a little later.

In restaurants, you can hand a tract directly to your waiter or waitress, or you can leave it on the table with the tip. Leaving the tip with the tract shows the waitstaff that it is for them and is not just some trash that got left behind.
In-Home Delivery/Repair Workers:
Sometimes we can hand out tracts without even leaving our homes. If a delivery person comes or if a repairman is there working on something, you can give them tracts and if you have the opportunity, tell them about the Lord.
Places to leave tracts:
In this section, I’ll be sharing some different places where you can leave tracts. One reason I like leaving tracts for people to find is because it gives you the opportunity to reach someone you may never see, with the Gospel.
Public restrooms:
Whenever you are in a restroom at a store, restaurant, or other public building, make it a habit to leave a tract in there.
Inside items in stores:
One day I was doing Driver’s Ed. Practice with my dad, and he needed to go to the hardware store. That isn’t my favorite store to visit, so I was rather bored while looking at the saws and other equipment. Then I remembered the Gospel tracts in my purse. There some work gloves on a rack nearby, so I stuffed tracts in several pairs.
If you are on a trip, you can leave tracts in all the convenience stores you stop at or hand them to the cashier. A favorite place we like to leave them is in cases of beer. Just imagine if someone became a Christian because they found a Gospel tract in the beer they had bought!
One thing about leaving tracts in places like this is you never know who will find them. I like to pray that God will guide the right people to them, that those who find them will be open and receptive to their message.

Library books:
This isn’t one I’ve done, but I’d like to some time. I just almost never go to the library.
If you have some library books to return, slip a Gospel tract inside each of them. Make sure the tracts are matched with the level of book: kid’s tracts in kid’s books, adult tracts in adult books, etc.
Housekeeping in hotels
Leave a tract on the dresser in a hotel room for the housekeeper to find. You could also leave some money with it as a tip. Since in a lot of the areas we travel, most of the people who work in housekeeping are Hispanic, we like to leave two tracts, one in English and one in Spanish.
Do you have any stories from handing out tracts you would like to share? I’d love to hear them! What is your favorite place to hand out tracts and go witnessing? Let us know! It might be somewhere we haven’t thought about doing it. Do you have any other suggestions for places to evangelize? Don’t forget to go out and reach the lost with the Gospel! There are millions who need to hear it, and telling just one person today is the first step in reaching the world for Jesus.