Today I’m sharing some of my favorite evangelism resources. The first section is resources for you, the Christian, to read and study before going out to witness. The second is Gospel tracts and other literature that you can distribute when evangelizing.

Evangelism Resources For Christians:
Will Our Generation Speak by Grace Mally
This is a book especially for young people. In it, Grace shares stories from her own witnessing experiences, as well as reasons for witnessing and a lot of practical tips. It’s a book I’d recommend for every Christian young person. If you’re already passionate about sharing your faith, it will give you some new ideas and ways to go about doing that. If you’re interested in sharing your faith, but not really sure how to go about doing it, then it will help to equip you and give you some encouragement. Or, if you’re someone who isn’t really interested in sharing the Gospel, then it will wake you up to your God-given task.
One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven by Mark Cahill
What’s one thing you can’t do in Heaven? You can’t share the Gospel. When we get to Heaven, all our opportunities to reach the lost with the Gospel will have passed. One of the main things I remember from this book was where Mr. Cahill explains that whether you are accepted or rejected, it is a win-win situation. That should motivate us to witness, when we realize that we can’t lose. We only lose when we fail to witness.
This book is based off Ezekiel 33, the passage that talks about God’s people being watchmen to the lost. Like One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, it has a lot of practical witnessing advice and stories from Mr. Cahill’s numerous witnessing encounters.
One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill
In case you haven’t noticed, I enjoy Mr. Cahill’s books on evangelism. This book is also included in the section for distribution. That’s because it’s good for Christians and non-Christians alike. It is written to reach a lost person with the Gospel, and has all kinds of evidence for believing the Bible and that believing on Jesus is the only way to be saved. If you are going to be having one-on-one conversations with people about salvation, then you need to be prepared to answer their questions, and this book is a good tool to help equip you with answers to some questions you will likely be asked.

Evangelism Resources For Distribution:
If you have a conversation with someone who seems interested in reading a full-length book, then give them a copy of One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill. This book is full of apologetics and reasons for believing the truth of the Bible and that Christianity is the only way to God.
This is a kid’s tract that goes through the 10 commandments in a fun and easily understandable way then shares stories and applications suitable for kids.
This is a cartoon tract, so it is suitable for kids and adults both. It goes through the 10 Commandments, to find out if the character in the tract really is a good person. When the character finds out he is guilty of breaking God’s law, then he hears the Gospel.
There are a lot of different styles of million dollar bills: holidays, famous people and characters, and so many others. My personal favorite is the million dollar bill with Stephen F. Austin’s picture on the front and the Alamo on the back. It begins with “Here’s a Texas-sized question, then gives a clear Gospel presentation.” These tracts are really popular here in Texas.
These cards are some of my favorite tracts to give out. The front has a picture of an animal and the back gives facts about how that animal had to be created, in order to exist today. At the end, it points to God as the Creator and then shares a short section about Jesus being our Savior.

These are just a few of the many different kinds of tracts available to give out. Do you have some favorites that you enjoy handing out? If so, tell us about them in the comments below!
And in case you’re wondering if evangelizing is something you should be doing, go check out this post on what it means to be a missionary. If you want more posts on evangelism, be sure to subscribe below for email notifications.